SC22-B194 letter
British Library
[21 October 1928] From Maud Bennington to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She encloses a contribution to buy item for Ellen Terry memorial at Smallhythe and sends condolences. Annotated '2 Burne Jones drawings'.
British Library
[21 October 1928] From Maud Bennington to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She encloses a contribution to buy item for Ellen Terry memorial at Smallhythe and sends condolences. Annotated '2 Burne Jones drawings'.
British Library
[1 July] From Nelly [Nelly Craig] to Aunt Edy [Edith Craig]. She thanks her for brooch; Ellen Terry's bathing dress; describes the garden; sends love to Chris [Christopher St John].
British Library
[July 1899] Henry Irving as Robespierre; Ellen Terry as Clarisse; Edith Craig as Madame de Lavergne. Music composed by G. Jacobi and Henri Littolf.
British Library
[11 February 1918] From W. Angus Macleod to Miss Edith Craig. He lists information and material need by Mr Croxton in the publicity department at the Coliseum.
British Library
[12 June 1913] From Hughes Massie & Co. to Miss Edith Craig. He encloses the duplicate of the agreement between [Ellen] Terry, [Pamela] Coleman-Smith [Pamela Colman Smith].
British Library
[13 May 1913] From Hughes Massie & Co to Miss Edith Craig. He informs her that no American publisher is likely to be interested in The Russian Ballet except for a sheet proposition.
British Library
[14 January 1913] From Christopher [Christopher St John] to Craig [Edith Craig]. She asks for more information before deciding and asks Cicely [Hamilton] to deal with [notice] in the Vote.
British Library
[13 January 1913] From Edy [Edith Craig] to C. St John [Christopher St John]. Asks her to deliver 5000 word article on dancers this week if terms suitable.
British Library
[19 August 1907] From A. P. Watt to Miss Edith Craig. He sends requests from Miss Bisland for photographs of Henry Irving for the publication in McClure's Magazine; mentions portrait of Mr Kelly.
British Library
[3 April] From John [John Gielgud] to Edy [Edith Craig]. He sends something to her, relating to Viola Tree as Ariel, which he was asked to sell [for an unnamed individual].