EC-H535 play ("The Matriarch")
Smallhythe Place
[1931] "The Matriarch". By G. B. Stern. Inscribed 'EC [Edith Craig] from G.B.S.'; EC-N425 inserted.
Smallhythe Place
[1931] "The Matriarch". By G. B. Stern. Inscribed 'EC [Edith Craig] from G.B.S.'; EC-N425 inserted.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] "Saint Mary Ellen". By James R. Gregson. Inscribed to Edith Craig from the author
British Library
[31 March 1933] Women's Freedom League. Front page ‘Miss Edith Craig Actress and producer (an interview)'
British Library
[Undated] Miss Hutin Britton and Matheson Lang in The Good Hope; Edgbaston postmark
Smallhythe Place
[1941] "The Circus Has No Home". By Rupert Croft-Cooke. Inscribed 'Edith Craig Smalllhythe Tenterden Kent'
British Library
[Undated] Illustration of Ellen Terry saying goodbye to Edith Craig at Victoria Station, leaving for filming in Egypt.
Smallhythe Place
[1922] Words by Rudyard Kipling, music by Edward German. Inscribed 'Edith Craig'.
British Library
[22 February 1932] British Empire Shakespeare Society. Adjudicated by Edith Craig; annotated '2283'.
British Library
[December 1925] Review. In aid of the Children's Country Holiday Fund; Ellen Terry appeared; organised by Edith Craig.
British Library
[Undated] Illustration of Edith Craig and unidentified woman outside Ellen Terry's house, Smallhythe Place; annotated ‘why not on a Swedish stage?’".