EC-AZ3,259 letter
British Library
[24 July 1928] From Edith Hill Wickham to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry, age 84; refers to his nephew Sir Albert Seymour and having met her at the Bath luncheon.
British Library
[24 July 1928] From Edith Hill Wickham to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry, age 84; refers to his nephew Sir Albert Seymour and having met her at the Bath luncheon.
British Library
[1 August 1928] From E. Knight to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry from secretary of Women's Freedom League; encloses copies of The Vote with tribute to Ellen Terry.
British Library
[5 October 1924] From Reginald Tate to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for sending the play which he thinks will suit his people very well and intends to do it.
British Library
[26 January 1924] From Edgar Hudderel to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for securing good seat for him and his wife and for letting them go into the organ loft; compliments the production.
British Library
[6 November 1927] From Cecily Radford to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Annotated ‘I cant walk’; glad that she has agreed to judge Exeter sub-area festivals; provides dates of performances.
British Library
[27 October 1924] From Beatrice Ensor to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Details of casting for dancing, toys, Nixie, Jonah and Toby; Eric Dunn (policeman) and Ernest Elmore (father) possibly at rehearsals; lighting settled...
British Library
[22 February 1925] From Lady Bell DBE to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She will return copy of Fog on the Moor and send definite answer about drama competition at York; asks about Garden Theatre.
British Library
[2 February 1925] From Florence Bell to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. The play to be copied in triplicate will be brought by Miss Quong; wants to attend rehearsal; Lewis Casson would not mind; mentions Mr Duke, Leeds and...
British Library
[17 February 1925] From Florence Bell to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She encloses £3 more for Miss Quong's fares; excuses Mr Duke's muddle over dates and plays, feeling he must regret it.
British Library
[4 February 1930] From H. J. Heinz Co. Ltd. to Miss Edith Craig. Confirms telephone conversation and sends under separate cover ketchup and tomato soup posters.