EC-Z3,181 letter
British Library
[24 July 1913] From Mabel Dearmer to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She requests the sacking things from the remains of a box of stage costumes belonging to Laurence Housman [see EC-Z3,180].
British Library
[24 July 1913] From Mabel Dearmer to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She requests the sacking things from the remains of a box of stage costumes belonging to Laurence Housman [see EC-Z3,180].
British Library
[Undated] From Rosina Filippi and Edith Craig to [Unknown]. A standard letter setting out a notice of the proposed Craig-Filippi Theatre School to be run on the lines of a repertory theatre; Ellen Terry to be p...
British Library
[25 November 1917] From Rosina Filippi to Edith Craig. She reports her husband, who is like Philip Connard, is advising against opening a [Drama School] at this time; she wants to continue but does not hav...
British Library
[25 September 1917] From Gertrude F-R [Gertrude Forbes-Robertson] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She asks her to contact C. M. Lourie about curtains from 62 Gower St.
British Library
[8 October 1933] From J. C. Fortescue-Thomas to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. He has seen in the window of antique dealers, Ninns at Hythe a knife-box said to have belonged to Ellen Terry [see EC-Z3,486].
British Library
[12 July 1930] From Janet [Janet Gielgud] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She confirms that she will bring her brother to Smallhythe on Sunday and a Mrs Ellis [see EC-Z3,283]; Katie cannot come as she is in Broadstairs.
British Library
[6 May 1915] From H. B. Irving to Edy Craig [Edith Craig]. He makes suggestions for his part in the programme as a tribute to Laurence [Irving], mentioning a sketch of Gogol and an address given in Canada.
British Library
[Undated] From Gwen John to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She is unwell but has heard from Miss Brighten that the suggested date for unnamed production is 13 June; concerned about the organisation of the even...
British Library
[16 June] From Torahiko Khori to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He has returned to England after 18 months abroad; despite ill-health has finished a play based on ancient Japanese history.
British Library
[5 May 1926] From George Kirby to Edith Craig. Owing to the General Strike, the Sargent pictures on loan to the Gallery cannot yet be returned and will stay at York City Art Gallery until the train...