EC-Z3,624 letter
British Library
[27 March 1926] From Michael Sherbrooke to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He agrees to do scenes from The Merchant of Venice on 23 April at the Haymarket, which he understands will be in modern dress.
British Library
[27 March 1926] From Michael Sherbrooke to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He agrees to do scenes from The Merchant of Venice on 23 April at the Haymarket, which he understands will be in modern dress.
British Library
[2 June 1905] From Ethel Smyth to Edie Craig [Edith Craig]. She sends her condolences on the death of Henry Irving, mentioning the agreement to tour Canada and his visit to inspect her cottage last summer.
British Library
[Undated] From E. [Ethel Smyth] to Edie Craig [Edith Craig]. She insists on paying the instrumentalists although others gave their services free such as E. Clegg and Miss [Margaret] Morris; Christopher St John w...
British Library
[21 February 1911] From E. S. [Ethel Smyth] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She is sending back some circulars and suggests sending them to the W[omen] Writers' Suffrage League.
British Library
[28 August 1903] From Arthur Symons to Edith Craig. He approves of Mrs Patrick Campbell’s suggestion about acting members of the Masquers but there should be no more than three and the selection of play...
British Library
[Undated] From R. Taber to E. A. C. [Edith Craig]. He invites her to a picnic supper after his play, together with four others including Miss Hammond and Dyall [two illegible].
British Library
[5 September 1928] From Fred Terry to Edie [Edith Craig]. He explains his advice to Miss [Marguerite] Steen about her book on [Ellen Terry] and his suggested amendments to the draft he read.
British Library
[14 October 1924] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She announces that she has bought [the acting rights to] The Verge for £100; suggests a Sunday performance for the Pioneer [Players] and then some mat...
British Library
[Undated] From Vi [Violet Vanbrugh] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She regrets she cannot promise to do a duologue, as she is playing eight performances a week and has ageed to three charity matinees.
British Library
[Undated] From Ethel Walker to Edith Craig. She thanks her for her kindness at Greenup Storm and will give her and Christopher St John a small painting or drawing in return; sends message for Cl...