EC-B201a letter
British Library
[23 March 1936] From Edward P. Smith to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Invitation to produce one of Shakespeare's comedies for the gala performance in December for Ashford Conservatives; clipped together with EC-A41.
British Library
[23 March 1936] From Edward P. Smith to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Invitation to produce one of Shakespeare's comedies for the gala performance in December for Ashford Conservatives; clipped together with EC-A41.
British Library
[6 December 1936] From E.P. [Edward Percy Smith] to E.D.Y. [Edith Craig]. He sends thanks personally and officially on behalf of association and cast for success of The Merry Wives of Windsor; request for more Shakespeare ne...
British Library
[1923] From Harold Hobday to Miss Edith Craig. He asks her to coach Miss Hawkins, daughter of Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, for her role as Ann in Outward Bound; reply to Mr Frank Skinner.
British Library
[20 August 1936] From J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd. to Mrs [sic] Edith Craig. Unable to supply set of quires for New Temple Shakespeare at low cost; suggests a stripped copy.
Smallhythe Place
[26 August 1920] From Torahiko Khori to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Farewell letter, leaving for Japan via ship from Marseilles; publishers to send Absalom on publication; wishes her well with Pioneers and other work;...
British Library
[Undated] From Elizabeth Rosslyn to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She is unable to appear on 10 June as she is in The Cat and the Cherub; previous card must have gone astray; apologies. Annotated with costume list on...
British Library
[20 February 1918] From Alex Grein to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She would love to play the part but forced to decline since Salome part will take all her time; would like to be considered in the future for other pa...
British Library
[1 March 1918] From Frederick Whelen to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He proposes a special circular to advertise the English performance which may be less well attended than the Italian and needs cast list.
British Library
[7 March 1918] From Keith J. Shepherd to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He was unable to attend yesterday; meeting with Mr [Ugo] Catani; getting properties to Comedy Theatre on Saturday morning; setting scene II, then scen...
British Library
[13 March 1918] From Frederick Whelen to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He asks regarding Violet Lorraine and La Locandiera, how it could soon be done. Yesterday was a great success; ambassador and official Italians were d...