EC-Z3,287 letter
British Library
[14 July] From Katie Gielgud to Edie [Edith Craig]. She reports on her health and changing plans for Memorial service on 23rd; she will come from Tunbridge with Frank and two friends; hopes that this un...
British Library
[14 July] From Katie Gielgud to Edie [Edith Craig]. She reports on her health and changing plans for Memorial service on 23rd; she will come from Tunbridge with Frank and two friends; hopes that this un...
British Library
[31 July 1928] From Ben Greet to Edie [Edith Craig]. He asks for Eddie's [Edward Gordon Craig] address in Florence and reports on a long talk he had with Edward Gordon Craig about his prospects in Americ...
British Library
[Undated] From Lady Augusta Gregory to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She describes a scene in an unnamed play, with magistrates looking over stone wall with backs to the audience against a blue back cloth; mentions W. B...
British Library
[1 August 1928] From H. M. Hake to Madam [Edith Craig]. Arrangements for securing a portrait of Ellen Terry for the National Portrait Gallery publicised by the Daily Mail; letter has been sent to Fred Terry...
British Library
[29 August 1928] From Constant Huntington to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She encloses [Marguerite] Steen's 'Ellen Terry: the Last Decade' with a reader's fee; interested to hear that a volume of Ellen Terry's letters is to...
British Library
[30 March 1925] From Sadie Jerome to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She reports enthusiastically about last night's performance, making reference to Maeterlinck's Bee, theosophy and Miss [Sybil] Thorndike’s performance...
British Library
[15 April] From Mary Jerrold to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She acknowledges the cheque and thanks for the letter from her and Miss [Christopher] St John about her performance in The Higher Court.
British Library
[2 December 1914] From Patrick Kirwan to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He sends arrangements for the rehearsal of The Shepherds and suggested extra performances in aid of the Belgian soldiers in St Andrews Hospital, Dolli...
British Library
[13 March 1918] From Matheson Lang to Edy [Edith Craig]. He confirms arrangements with Simmons and Clarkson for the costumes and wigs for The Purple Mask; asks her to get in touch with both firms.
British Library
[4 June 1899] From Herman Merivale to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for a note about an [unnamed] actress; wishes her to bring Ellen Terry for a visit and plans to read to her three new plays; refers to h...