EC-Z3,481 letter British Library [1916] From W. N. [William Nicholson] to Edie C. [Edith Craig]. He decides to abandon their plan for the costumes; he and Mr Edgar invite her to dinner; mentions Miss Attwood [Clare Atwood]; his ticket at St Martin...
EC-Z3,543 letter British Library [14 February 1935] From A. A. Punt [Arthur Punt] to Edith Craig. He offers to sell a piece of jewellery, a carved topaz cameo with Ellen Terry’s head with platinum and diamonds copied from a [G. F.] Watts portrait,...
EC-Z3,562 letter British Library [8 March 1947] From Ralph Richardson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for her letter about his honour [knighthood] and says what a joy it was to take part in [Ellen Terry's Centenary] service.
EC-Z3,605 letter British Library [10 January] From Harold Scott to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He asks her to produce The Stranger for the Cave, with Sybil Thorndike if possible for the silent role; he will arrange for O'Donovan to do The Workho...
EC-Z3,620 letter British Library [5 June] From C. Moyra Shedden to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She hopes to play The Land with the proper music score on the 24th; asks if she ever received an old programme sent to her in February.
EC-Z3,623 letter British Library [19 December 1915] From Michael Sherbrooke to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He sympathises with her for the effect of the cancellation of The Theatre of the Soul at short notice at the Alhambra and passes on favourable impress...
EC-Z3,636 letter British Library [15] From E. [Ethel Smyth] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She agrees to publish a prospectus about The March to send to [women's] suffrage societies; refers to previous afternoon's concert at Queen's Hall and...
EC-Z3,643 postcard British Library [5 March 1911] From E. [Ethel Smyth] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She asks for volunteers for the choir; needs at least 150 to contact Miss Kerr at Clement's Inn. Mrs P[ankhurst] spoke magnificently in Glasgow with c...
EC-Z3,692 letter British Library [Undated] From Ernest Thesiger to Edie [Edith Craig]. He asks her on behalf of the committee of the YWCA if she would produce one of the Canterbury Mystery Plays in the Middle Temple Hall to raise money f...
EC-Z3,712 letter British Library [1926] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She agrees to play Portia in modern dress and Lewis [Casson] agrees to play Buckingham; Russell [Thorndike] is playing for Ben Greet [so is unavailabl...