EC-AZ3,238 letter British Library [21 July 1928] From Edward Lingard to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence from the honorary secretary of Stockport Garrick Society and his wife, recalling Ellen Terry's acceptance of honorary membership...
EC-AZ3,255 letter British Library [21 July 1928] From Alice and Master Douglas Wieland to Miss Edith Craig. Letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry, asking to represent the entertainment section of the Servers of the Blind League, of which Ellen Ter...
EC-AZ3,268 letter British Library [24 July 1928] From E. M. Wood to Miss Edith Craig. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry from honorary secretary of Women's Provisional Club, of which Ellen Terry was an honorary member; rotary...
EC-B100 letter British Library [8 November 1922] From M. E. Sadler, The Vice-Chancellor to Edith Craig. He thanks her for agreeing to do an informal talk in early March [1923] and will send Mr Christopher St John's letter to the University Dramatic Socie...
EC-B114 letter British Library [1918] From Marya T. V. to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She considers the ballet quite unsuitable for the Grafton Galleries; arranged with Fabia Drake to do the sketch; Miss Beale has no right to use corres...
EC-B120 letter British Library [Undated] From Jeanie [Jean Sterling Mackinlay] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She promises to send copy of Lavenders Blue; offers to sing the Shoe song; missed Barn [Theatre] performance visiting Roedean for Antoinette's half te...
EC-B138 letter British Library [2 March 1925] From Beatrice Ensor to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She asks about further performances of The Young Person in Pink; hopes she is not too stiff after fall; complimentary things said about Mirandolina.
EC-B186 letter British Library [8 December 1929] From Harold [Harold Scott] to Edie [Edith Craig]. Rupert Harvey provisionally accepts a leading part; Franklyn Bellamy will play if not too busy on film; Emlyn Williams wants a good part.
EC-B241 letter Smallhythe Place [24 January 1929] From 11 rue Louis Philippe, Neuilly sur Seine, France to Madam [Edith Craig]. Sends copy of her translation of Corneille's Polyeuctes for possible London production; suggests music of Bach and Handel at intervals; inserted in EC...
EC-B42 letter British Library [13 March 1918] From Frederick Whelen to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He asks for complete cast list for next Tuesday; encloses current list which needs to be updated so that notices to press can be done.