EC-Z3,422 letter British Library [5 August 1909] From Matheson Lang to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He suggests that she speaks to Mr Smith about the use of the Lyceum Theatre; mentions that Brittie will write to Miss [Christabel] Marshall; various p...
EC-Z3,426 letter British Library [28 February 1918] From Matheson Lang to Edy [Edith Craig]. He sends plans for The Purple Mask which will open at Plymouth on 22 April, with terms to be arranged later; promises to send a script of the play.
EC-Z3,444 letter British Library [25 April 1929] From Alison Leggatt to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She apologises for her absence from the Ellen Terry matinee at which she had promised to sell programmes; prevented by a rehearsal which did not end u...
EC-Z3,459a letter British Library [13 October 1917] From Lillah [Lillah McCarthy] to Edie [Edith Craig]. She thanks her for her letter about her acting in [unnamed] play and hopes she may work for her again; infuriated that the critics did not praise her...
EC-Z3,464 letter British Library [11 February 1947] From W. Macqueen-Pope to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses rough proof of the Ellen Terry Centenary Service and reports that Picture Post is running an illustrated article about Ellen Terry written...
EC-Z3,468b letter British Library [15 April 1935] From Walter Meyers to Miss Edith Craig. He asks for advice about his play, The Lovely Lady, which she spoke positively of at the Q Theatre last week, and which will be on at the Scala on 1 M...
EC-Z3,483 letter British Library [17 July 1925] From Allardyce Nicoll to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Thanks for her offer of producing a play for the new School of Drama in 1925-26; mentions having received a letter from [Edward] Gordon Craig.
EC-Z3,484 letter British Library [6 March 1931] From Allardyce Nicoll to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He asks to borrow some Smallhythe exhibits for a theatrical exhibition on English theatre in the nineteenth century organised by Sir Barry Jackson at...
EC-Z3,515 letter British Library [22 February 1933] From Reni Piraux to Madame [Edith Craig]. He asks for information about an actress called Oldcastle, a Mrs Palamidesi Coin de Castelvecchio who may have played with [Ellen Terry] during the ye...
EC-Z3,516 letter British Library [14 July 1931] From B. A. Pittar to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Mentions Doreen fixing his Falstaff costume [for the Ellen Terry Memorial performance]; mentions Clarksons; he can stay two nights at Smallhythe but m...