EC-Z3,686 letter
British Library
[Undated] From William Terriss to Edie [Edith Craig]. He apologises that he cannot attend her party for which Lucy Ashton delivered the invitation but he hates formal occasions and asks instead if she wil...
British Library
[Undated] From William Terriss to Edie [Edith Craig]. He apologises that he cannot attend her party for which Lucy Ashton delivered the invitation but he hates formal occasions and asks instead if she wil...
British Library
[1 February 1923] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She thanks her for first night telegram and promises to return [Ellen Terry]’s clothes soon; asks for Ann’s rose petal dress; May and Ann have whoopin...
British Library
[1 August 1926] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Edy [Edith Craig]. Lewis [Casson] has had to have the car repaired so they cannot visit her before they all leave for a three-week holiday; sends message to Tony [Clare...
British Library
[Undated] From Sybil Thorndike to Edy [Edith Craig]. Formal letter asking for theatrical mementoes to sell on her stall in aid of Shakespeare House, built by the Shoreditch Housing Association; Sybil ask...
British Library
[Undated] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Darling [Edith Craig]. She does not wish her daughters Ann and Mary to distribute playbills inside Wyndham’s Theatre, as she does not consider The Fanatics suitable at their...
British Library
[5 December] From Clough Williams-Ellis to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He forwards a trinket from Mrs Brodrick which he has repaired as a memento from Wrexham and of the tour; he confesses he is now badly stage-struck.
British Library
[14 June 1922] From Kiyoshi Yamagata to Madam [Edith Craig]. He confirms that the production by Japanese students in Honolulu of Kanawa: the Incantation would be amateur, and asks her to arrange for them to be g...
British Library
[18 December 1902] From W. B. Yeats to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He praises Edward Gordon Craig’s work in an unnamed play but did not like the diction or the lighting; mentions meeting [Ellen Terry] with Mr and Mrs...
British Library
[July 1902] Last week. Mr Tree as Sir John Falstaff; music by Raymond Roze and Norman Bath. The dress worn by Ellen Terry was made by Edith Craig.
British Library
[Undated] From Mum [Ellen Terry] to Darling Darling [Edith Craig]. She thanks her for birthday posy and big book; she has been to see a film with Christopher St John; plans to visit Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] in Italy;...