ET-Z2,348 letter
British Library
[9] From Mother [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. Farr advises a trip to Farm for her health; garden design; sent for Pixie [Pamela Colman Smith]; Whistler; Sargent; she offers to stay with Aunt Kate...
British Library
[9] From Mother [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. Farr advises a trip to Farm for her health; garden design; sent for Pixie [Pamela Colman Smith]; Whistler; Sargent; she offers to stay with Aunt Kate...
British Library
[21 August 1912] From Mother [Ellen Terry] to Darling [Edith Craig]. Terms for class queried by Haddock; Nelly [Craig] has been bitten by the dog, Henry; asks if Chris [Christopher St John] can get the lecture for use a...
British Library
[13 August 1927] From Tony [Clare Atwood] to My darling Matka [Edith Craig]. Provides advice on instructions regarding the sale of Pete Cottage; she should see it first and gain local advice. Mentions Mr Bowden and Ben [Webster...
British Library
[Undated] From Gwen to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She asks for a source of peat for Miss [Ellen] Terry; mentions Lady Maud [Warrender], Mrs Gwynne and forthcoming rehearsals for The Merry Wives [of Wi...
British Library
[1924] From Teddy [Edward Craig] to Aunt Edy [Edith Craig]. It snowed in Genova for the first time in six years, attracting photographers; looking forward to the Mah-Jong; they cannot have Miss Nona Watson's le...
British Library
[27 August 1928] From Edy [Edith Craig] to Bo [Elizabeth Powell]. She sends her some of Ellen Terry's things which she wore; a locket for Nelly [Craig]; she is making two rooms of the Farm into a memorial and may sel...
British Library
[30 June 1913] From Sidgwick & Jackson to Edith Craig. He explains that they advertised Ellen Terry's book in the programme at Covent Garden when the Russian Ballet performed but had little interest; the b...
British Library
[26 June 1913] From E. Craig [Edith Craig] to Sirs. [She] enquires about the limited advertisement for Ellen Terry's The Russian Ballet at Drury Lane Theatre and why a cheap edition was unavailable, giv...
British Library
[13 June 1913] From Hughes Massie & Co to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He mentions the contract between Ellen Terry, Bobbs-Merrill Company and Miss Coleman-Smith [Pamela Colman Smith].
British Library
[3 March 1913] From Hughes Massie & Co to Edith Craig. He confirms the sale of [Ellen Terry]'s Russian Ballet article for American serial rights to McClure's magazine; queries whether it has been published...