EC-AZ3,198 letter
British Library
[20 July 1928] From George Reid to Miss Edie [Edith Craig]. Response to having heard of Ellen Terry's illness from Lizzie who has rheumatism after a stroke, having formerly worked at Prince of Wales Theatre; an...
British Library
[20 July 1928] From George Reid to Miss Edie [Edith Craig]. Response to having heard of Ellen Terry's illness from Lizzie who has rheumatism after a stroke, having formerly worked at Prince of Wales Theatre; an...
British Library
[15 December] From V. A. Pearn [Violet Pearn] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Mrs Channing Pollock is trying to get Through The Crack on in USA; bringing Christopher Webb, Sir Aston Webb's nephew, to matinee on 1 January.
British Library
[8 January 1925] From Beatrice Ensor to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Company delighted; audiences were disappointing; asks her to suggest popular show for the last one such as [J. M. ] Barrie's Mary Rose, not A Doll's H...
British Library
[24 January 1930] From John Beckett, MP to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Invitation to pre-production reception at theatre hosted by Rt Hon. George Lansbury; annotation indicates that she would be unable to attend.
Smallhythe Place
[6 November 1940] From E. P. [Edward Percy Smith] to Edy [Edith Craig]. Encloses The Dressing Gown and suggests she plays Ma and he Fred, a Brember Wills part; will send copies of The Harum; inserted in EC-H752 with EC-B24...
British Library
[1 February 1924] From Ernest Dalton to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He returns her copy of Fame and thanks for allowing him to make extracts; detailed discussion of set with sketches of alcove and curtains; mentions Mr...
British Library
[15 March 1918] From Margery Threlfall, secretary to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She had sent invitations for Sunday afternoon on evening of 12 March; enquired with post office; sends more invitation cards for cast; Mr Whelen.
British Library
[15 June 1920] From G. Dora Wright to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Miss Royds says that Dr Helena Hall has written for tickets; cheque sent and tickets will follow; Joint Committee Relief of Children in Jugo-Slavia.
British Library
[18 August 1921] From Fred Jackson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He has arranged for local coach, Mr L. B. Ramsden of Leeds Amateurs, to take preliminary rehearsals of play. She is invited to come down one weekend,...
British Library
[5 January 1920] From John L. Balderston to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses a copy of Reinhardt’s book on loan which she said she would like to borrow when at the Barrs the other night; asks her opinion on possible...