EC-Z3,218 letter
British Library
[Undated] From Eva Esmond to Edie [Edith Craig]. She asks where banner should be sent for Princes [skating rink], and if her doll has been sold; mentions forthcoming [women's suffrage] debate at Clif...
British Library
[Undated] From Eva Esmond to Edie [Edith Craig]. She asks where banner should be sent for Princes [skating rink], and if her doll has been sold; mentions forthcoming [women's suffrage] debate at Clif...
British Library
[10 April 1935] From Maudie Gibson to Edy [Edith Craig]. She forwards an enclosure from Miss Harvey; happy that Tony [Clare] Atwood is able to go to Madeira as she will love the island; mentions Alice [illeg...
British Library
[3 August 1928] From H. M. Hake to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Enquires about the portrait of Ellen Terry, asking the cost of those by [G. F.] Watts and Nicholson; wants original if possible before considering buy...
British Library
[7 March 1925] From S. Holmes [secretary to Sybil Thorndike] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She forwards a letter from Kew Gardens at Lewis Casson's direction, as he thinks Christopher St John may like to get in touch.
British Library
[3 January 1932] From D. W. Holtaway to Madam [Edith Craig]. He reports on the enlargement of the [G. F.] Watts picture, 'Ellen Terry and her sister', which will be forwarded as soon as ready; cannot find her le...
British Library
[24 1911] From Ford Madox Hueffer to Miss Edith Craig. He replies that he has not written any [women's] suffrage plays and that his ideas are better articulated in pamphlets or articles; could still write...
British Library
[21 August 1919] From Torahiko Khori to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. His friend Mr Matsui would like to help the Drama League in some way; it would help if he could be appointed special correspondent or something simila...
British Library
[November 1921] From Torahiko Khori to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He discusses the possibility of a French production of his play, as Paris embassy is keen and has the book published; asks her for her recommendation...
British Library
[12 March 1918] From Matheson Lang to Edie [Edith Craig]. He sets out his terms for the production of The Purple Mask and asks her to work on the productions at Plymouth and London at different rates, suggest...
British Library
[15 March 1918] From Matheson Lang to Edy [Edith Craig]. He encloses a copy of the plot for wigs which he has sent to Clarkson; asks her to get in touch with Clarkson to give him details.