EC-Z3,436 letter
British Library
[6 April 1920] From Matheson Lang to Edie [Edith Craig]. Discusses arrangements for the Shakespeare Celebration matinee on 23 April at the New Theatre; can Ellen Terry do the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet and no...
British Library
[6 April 1920] From Matheson Lang to Edie [Edith Craig]. Discusses arrangements for the Shakespeare Celebration matinee on 23 April at the New Theatre; can Ellen Terry do the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet and no...
British Library
[10 May 1915] From Leon M. Lion to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He sets out his usual terms for producing, at 20 guineas, but appreciates that for the Pioneer's like the Stage Society, have few funds and therefore...
British Library
[4 September 1922] From Paul Nash to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He feels a decision must be made soon about suitable plays for the League of Arts; mentions various plays and authors such as Herman Ould and Halcott...
British Library
[16 January 1915] From M. I. P. [Margaret Palgrave] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She sends a covering letter forwarding two letters from Mr Freeman about the gate and sign of Tower House, Winchelsea [see EC-Z3,270 and EC-Z3,271].
British Library
[4 June 1916] From W. Rothenstein [William Rothenstein] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He gives particulars of a shop in Camomile St, Bishopsgate, run by a Parsee from Bombay, which sells Indian materials; mentions Francks, Eastern empor...
British Library
[18 June 1924] From Bertie [Sir Albert Seymour] to Edy [Edith Craig]. He reports that the late Lord Farringham's pictures were sold at Sotheby's last week, including [G. F.] Watts’ Choosing for £320 to the Barbizon Galle...
British Library
[4 May 1931] From Laurence [Laurence Tadema] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She lists the mementoes which she will give to the [Ellen Terry Memorial] museum; shoe given in spring 1887, netted mittens given at The Belle's Strat...
British Library
[14 May 1933] From Laurence [Laurence Tadema] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She sends more theatrical mementoes for the [Ellen Terry Memorial] museum; Miss Bailly of Polish relief fund and her sister have visited; book of pati...
British Library
[22 August 1933] From Laurence [Laurence Tadema] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She describes two theatrical mementoes that Lady Barrington wishes to give to the [Ellen Terry Memorial Museum], a clock and a china dog owned by Ada...
British Library
[18 June 1934] From Lockett Thomson to Miss Edith Craig. At Sir Albert Seymour's suggestion, he offers to sell G. F. Watt’s painting of Ellen Terry, Choosing, which he bought at Sothebys, to her for the Elle...