EC-H536 play ("The Man Who Pays the Piper")
Smallhythe Place
[1931] "The Man Who Pays the Piper". By G. B. Stern. Inscribed to Edith Craig from the author 'because she liked it' 1 Sep 1931.
Smallhythe Place
[1931] "The Man Who Pays the Piper". By G. B. Stern. Inscribed to Edith Craig from the author 'because she liked it' 1 Sep 1931.
Smallhythe Place
[1931] "Little Plays of St Francis". By Laurence Housman. Inscribed by E. [Edith] Craig; inserted note about St Francis EC-M161.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] "The Life of King Henry V". By William Shakespeare. Inscribed 'to Edith Craig from George Skillan'; illustrator and designer Edward Carrick.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] "Julius Caesar". By William Shakespeare. Inscribed 'Edith Craig' with compliments from George Skillan, 6 Crofton House, Old Church St, SW3.
British Library
[15 August 1919] [British Drama League]. Exhibition Stratford Upon Avon 15 Aug 1919; lists committee and items lent by Miss Macarthy and E. [Edith] Craig.
British Library
[1938] [Henry Irving centenary] Illustration of procession from St Martin-in-the-Fields to the Henry Irving Memorial. Owen Nares, Edith Craig, Edward Knobloc...
British Library
[7 February 1938] Report of Henry Irving centenary wreath-laying at Henry Irving statue in London; Edith Craig present but unwell; annotated '2283'.
British Library
[1924] Illustration of Edith Craig, Lady Mayoress, Mr Burgess at Ellen Terry's Daffodil Day in aid of her National Homes; annotated on reverse '1924'.
British Library
[December 1877] Decorative card with pages which fan out; signed by Nellie [Ellen Terry], Edie [Edith Craig], Teddie [Edward Craig] and Boo [Mrs Rumball].
British Library
[Undated] From Sheila Kaye-Smith to Miss Adlard [Eleanor Adlard]. She mentions the submission of her article on Edith Craig.