SC20-K2 photograph
British Library
[Undated] Scene from film, Miss Ellen Terry in Her Greatest Performance; annotated on reverse 'Edy - in film Her First Perfomance' [Edith Craig].
British Library
[Undated] Scene from film, Miss Ellen Terry in Her Greatest Performance; annotated on reverse 'Edy - in film Her First Perfomance' [Edith Craig].
British Library
[1925] St Christopher School. Illustration of Ellen Terry receiving birthday cake (77 years of age) from Michael de Norman Ensor; with Edith Craig.
British Library
[1907] Announcement of Ellen Terry's marriage to James Carew; engaged for months; Carew is Canadian; mentions Edith Craig, Edward Gordon Craig and Mr Charles...
British Library
[Undated] Dramatic Performance and Concert for the Building Fund of the Franciscan Church. Ellen Terry as Portia; Arthur Phillips as Shylock.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] "A Midsummer Night's Dream". By Mendelssohn. Music to A Midsummer Night's Dream by Mendelssohn; inscribed 'please return to Edith Craig, 31 Bedford Street, Covent Garden'.
British Library
[Undated] Illustration
British Library
[March 1931]
British Library
[Undated] Illustration
British Library
[22 July 1928] From Mrs (H. E.) Gertrude Barber to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. As a stranger who used to buy her photographs, the correspondent sends condolences on the death of Ellen Terry; her friend May Tyrrell used to visit E...
British Library
[27 July 1928] From S. Gaselee (for Sir Austen Chamberlain) to Miss Edith Craig. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry from president of Union des Artistes de Langue Francaise; a telegram has been sent in reply from Marquess...