EC-Z3,354 letter British Library [15 November] From Laurence Housman to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Mrs Dearmer will take any costumes she does not want; he asks her to pay what she thinks is their value; he did not like the acting of the shipowner's...
EC-Z3,412 letter British Library [20 July 1928] From Rev. H. Kingsford to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He discusses the arrangements for a service at St Paul's, Covent Garden and a monument for Ellen Terry there; mentions Mr [James] Carew, her brother [...
EC-Z3,430 letter British Library [March 1918] From Matheson Lang to Edy [Edith Craig]. He sends arrangements for reading of the play at the King’s Theatre Hammersmith, to be followed by rehearsal of Act I; would like a meeting before th...
EC-Z3,449 letter British Library [4 April 1916] From Martin Lewis to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He acknowledges her letter of thanks asking for membership of the Pioneer Players for himself and his wife; also asks for her help in finding a small...
EC-Z3,468a letter British Library [26 April 1922] From B. A. Meyer to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses [unspecified] and asks her to make up the parts at his expense; [illegible] the matinee at Theatre Royal Drury Lane on Tuesday May 16th 19...
EC-Z3,495 letter British Library [15 November 1909] From M. Orliac to Madam [Edith Craig]. He plans to start a cultural centre in London where French and English views may be exchanged; refers to Universite de Paris and Madame Bartet, Mouret...
EC-Z3,502 letter British Library [1 June 1934] From John Parker to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He hopes that she has a letter about Lynn Fontanne, which might give him the information he requires before she and Mr Lunt go to America; mentions Si...
EC-Z3,520 letter British Library [Undated] From Planky [George Plank] to Edy [Edith Craig] and Chris [Christopher St John] and Tony [Clare Atwood] and Jack [Vera Holme] and all. He thanks them for a grand visit and looks forward to their return visit to Five Ashes.
EC-Z3,552 letter British Library [9 December 1911] From G. N. Redford to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He explains that her postal order was accidentally thrown away but retrieved and should have been crossed to ensure that it could not be cashed; menti...
EC-Z3,563 letter British Library [31 October 1931] From Graham [Graham Robertson] to Edy [Edith Craig]. He apologises for not asking her permission before sending to Edward Gordon Craig short extracts from Ellen Terry’s letters; he regrets what seems to...