EC-G1600 cutting
British Library
[March 1932] Belmont House Society. The Wycliffe Players; West End Adult School Players; Edith Craig was the adjudicator.
British Library
[March 1932] Belmont House Society. The Wycliffe Players; West End Adult School Players; Edith Craig was the adjudicator.
British Library
[23 February 1935] Details of the Ellen Terry Birthday Festival, Coventry; civic reception for Edith Craig, production of play, talks and exhibition. Annotated '2283'.
British Library
[Undated] "A Pageant of Great Women". By Cicely Hamilton. Annotated throughout text. Inscribed on front page 'If found please return to E [Edith] Craig 31 Bedford Street, Strand'.
Smallhythe Place
[1944] "The Lake of Darkness". By Edward Percy. Inscribed 'Edy [Edith Craig] with love from E.P. November 1944'; two letters inserted EC-B245 and EC-B246.
Smallhythe Place
[16 September 1923] Theatre Guild London. Annotated menu inscribed E. C. [Edith Craig] and signed by Madeline Marshall, George Elton, Auriol Lee and Harold Hobday.
British Library
[6 March 1925] Received £1-11-6 for hire of Beggar's Opera costume for Miss Bower.
British Library
[1 February 1926] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Tony [Clare Atwood]. She agrees to speak for ten minutes and sends good wishes to Edy [Edith Craig].
British Library
[13 May 1895] Henry Irving; Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig].
British Library
[6 March 1899] Lyceum Theatre Company. Ellen Terry as Catherine; Fuller Melish as Napoleon; Edith Craig as Elisa.
British Library
[17 March 1914] From Herbert Asquith to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. Invitation for Ellen Terry and Miss [Edith] Craig to lunch; shocked she is going to Australia.