SC22-B208 letter British Library [9 September 1929] From W. D'Arcy Hart to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Encloses a cheque for Succession duty payable to the Inland Revenue asking her to sign and return it, advising her that she should receover this amoun...
SC7-B23 letter British Library [13 July 1922] From Teddy [Edward Craig] to Aunt Edy [Edith Craig]. He thanks her for Chinese books; no letters from her for five years since they have been in Italy; promises to send two horse brasses for her collecti...
SC7-B27 letter British Library [1 November 1923] From Nelly [Nelly Craig] to Aunty Edy [Edith Craig]. She thanks her for cards [from Egypt]; mentions dressmaking, cat, Ellen Terry, knitting a shawl for Ellen Terry; now aged 19 years; remembers Bedford...
ET-D2172 letter, copy ("The Russian Ballet") British Library [14 May 1914] From [Unknown] [Edith Craig] to Mr Massie [Hughes Massie]. She thanks him for the account of the American publication of The Russian Ballet and asks for him to keep her and Miss Ellen Terry informed in the fut...
EC-Z3,226/17 letter British Library [20 December 1889] From Joe Evans to Edy [Edith Craig]. Illustration of the rapid entrance of scenery in Mr Daly's performance of As You Like It, referring to her opinon of Daly's Midsummer Night's Dream; e...
EC-Z3,226/20 letter British Library [28 November 1890] From Joe Evans to Edy [Edith Craig]. Katherine Dunham and Mrs Fell gave news of her; Bedlam is acting for Daly and has married Miss Jennings; Rob Taber in Daly's company; sends lines from...
EC-Z3,226/22 letter British Library [3 June 1892] From Joe Evans to Edy [Edith Craig]. He hopes she is well, having heard she was unwell; news from Miss Dunham; enquires about name of lady to whom Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] is engaged; Be...
EC-Z3,226/23 letter British Library [20 July 1892] From Joe Evans to Edy [Edith Craig]. He is looking forward to her visit and seeing her perform; last saw her in Barbara four years ago; mentions Uxbridge and Winchelsea, Mr Parson's garde...
EC-Z3,226/24 letter British Library [7 October 1892] From Joe Evans to my dear Lady in London [Edith Craig]. Delighted to receive her letter about Tower Cottage [Winchelsea] which he would like to make a painting of; mentions the Burlinghams, Cornish, New Ham...
EC-Z3,226/25 letter British Library [20 September 1895] From Joe Evans to Edy [Edith Craig]. Thanks for her amusing letter from the steamer; mentions Winchelsea, returning to London and New York on 26 October; Miss Mabel Lewis, Miss Fairchild,...