SC9-G37 cutting
British Library
[7 September 1938] [Mrs Helen Rosina Price] Ellen Terry items to go on sale at Glendenning's on September 5th; items bought by Edith Craig for £3 12s 6d; annotated '2283...
British Library
[7 September 1938] [Mrs Helen Rosina Price] Ellen Terry items to go on sale at Glendenning's on September 5th; items bought by Edith Craig for £3 12s 6d; annotated '2283...
British Library
[Undated] Illustration, showing Ellen Terry with large dog and Edith Craig standing on board ship, Philadelphia, in Southampton; annotated comment by Ellen Ter...
Smallhythe Place
[18 December 1905] Christie, Manson & Woods. Catalogue of the auction of Henry Irving's library on Monday December 18 1905 with prices and buyers recorded. Annotated 'Edy [Edith] Craig' on front...
British Library
[Undated] Ellen Terry, seated with Edith Craig and Edward Gordon Craig reading a book; annotated Frederick Hollyer, 9 Pembroke Sqre., Kensington, W. Copyright r...
British Library
[10 April 1899] Ellen Terry as Olivia, Frank Cooper as Squire Thornhill, William Mollison as Dr Promrose, Edith Craig as Sophia and Beatrice Terry as Dick.
Smallhythe Place
[2 April 1935] From [Unknown] [Miss J. M. Harvey] to Lady Maud Warrender. Copy of letter regarding Miss [Edith] Craig's cheque and matinee recently for Madame Wifstrand.
British Library
[12 March]
British Library
[July 1932]
Smallhythe Place
Smallhythe Place
[26 December]