EC-N420 cast list and casting committee notes ("The Rising Sun")
Smallhythe Place
[14 April] [Pioneer Players]. Saba Raleigh, Mr Ellis, Miss [Edith] Craig, Miss [Christopher] St John and C. [Clare] Atwood.
Smallhythe Place
[14 April] [Pioneer Players]. Saba Raleigh, Mr Ellis, Miss [Edith] Craig, Miss [Christopher] St John and C. [Clare] Atwood.
British Library
[1910] Arranged by Edith Craig’, [clipped together with Pageant of Great Women Beckenham 24 September 1910 documents]. Annotated names against cast list in p...
British Library
[6 February 1925] C & W May. Receipt for 15s for hire of convict's suit for three weeks.
British Library
[27 December 1924] C. and W. May, Theatrical Costumiers. Received 7s 6d for frog's head mask.
British Library
[25 October 1909] Performed by Miss Edith Craig and company under the patronage of Mrs Arbuthnot, Leamington, Mrs Lowe, Ettington
British Library
[1927] Prince Nicholas Galitzin, Patricia Hayes, Catharina Ferraz, Nancy Price, Val Gielgud and Sybil Thorndike performed
British Library
[29 December 1927] The Arts Theatre Club. Invitation to New Year’s Eve Grand Variety Programme. Redirected c/o Miss [Edith] Craig 31 Bedford Street.
British Library
[11 November 1925] From Horace Hodges to Miss Martin. He is unable to help at Edith Craig's matinee as he will be in the North. He hopes she is feeling better.
British Library
[Undated] From Gandy [Ellen Terry] to Darling. She had to go to Bath to Edy [Edith Craig] who was ill; she missed the phone call so asks for a letter.
British Library
[28 July] From Gandy [Ellen Terry] to Paulinette. Christmas greetings and sorry to have missed her dance at Stafford House which Edy [Edith Craig] saw; mentions Nicko.