ET Z1,145 letter
British Library
[26 September 1902] From Winifred Dolan to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. Dissolution of partnership of Edith Craig & Co; Miss Dolan's employment to continue on a weekly basis.
British Library
[26 September 1902] From Winifred Dolan to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. Dissolution of partnership of Edith Craig & Co; Miss Dolan's employment to continue on a weekly basis.
British Library
[17] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She thanks her for goodies and for the invitation to The Firs; Gogo; she is in Gloucestershie with Edith [Craig]; Ted [Edward Gordon Craig].
British Library
[15 January 1905] From [Unknown] [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Albert Fleming]. Illustration of Ellen Terry netting with Edith Craig, her dog and Christopher St John in the sitting room at Smallhythe Place, Tenterden, Kent.
British Library
[20 September 1912] Three photographs, showing Edy [Edith Craig] listening to Nelly [Craig] read and Teddy [Edward Craig] at Smallhythe, summer 1912 and an unidentified m...
British Library
[Undated] Review of book, with numerous annotations [probably by Edith Craig] addressed to Bo [Catherine Elizabeth Powell] identifying inaccuracies.
British Library
[5 December 1935] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Pussie [K. Powell]. She asks to stay for the Christmas holidays if Mrs Powell is well enough; Edy [Edith Craig] wants to know on Sunday.
British Library
[7 March 1899] Lyceum Theatre Company. Ellen Terry as Catherine, Fuller Mellish as Napoleon and Edith Craig as Elisa.
British Library
[2 November 1903] Ellen Terry as Beatrice; Edith Craig as Margaret; Matheson Lang as Benedick; two copies.
British Library
[12 April 1919] Edith Craig assisted in the production. Ellen Terry as the Nurse, Basil Sydney as Romeo and Doris Keane as Juliet.
British Library
[3 August 1890] From [Unknown] [George Bernard Shaw] to Sweet lady [Ellen Terry]. He sends news, mentions the Rialto, Edy [Edith Craig]; sonnet written on reverse.