ET-6,015 letter
British Library
[Undated] She mentions Robin's sprained ankle; the broken trunk try, Miss Barnett, Nell [Powell], drawings of dancers; will send an address book.
British Library
[Undated] She mentions Robin's sprained ankle; the broken trunk try, Miss Barnett, Nell [Powell], drawings of dancers; will send an address book.
Smallhythe Place
[1929] Book room inscribed 'one end of book room Genoa 1929 for Edy [Edith Craig] all theatre books....', two; one stage design for Hamlet; one inscribed 'Te...
British Library
[22 April 1933] Annotated '2283'
British Library
[28 October 1938] Annotated '2283'
British Library
[Undated] Pioneer Players.
British Library
British Library
[29 March 1924] From A sincere admirer of your genius from Leeds to Miss Edith Craig. Praises her work in the area and especially Ambush on Monday night and mentions Ellen Terry, her popularity in Leeds and playing Beatrice in Much Ado;...
British Library
[13 January 1914] From Rev. G. B. Chambers to Miss E. L'Estrange. He enjoyed Edith Craig's Paphnutius but offers advice on weak plain chant and venue; is sending programme to Belgian monk he knows [see EC-Z3,136]; me...
British Library
[30 March 1910] From C. Despard [Charlotte Despard] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Lady Cork will help with pageant and should have a good part in it; money-raising plans for WFL [Women's Freedom League] and suffrage matters; suggest...
British Library
[12 July 1919] From Lillah [Lillah McCarthy] to Edy [Edith Craig]. She encloses a list of photographs and dresses she is lending to the Shakespeare Exhibition at Stratford; designers include Albert Rutherston, Norman...