EC-H484 play ("The Best Plays of 1941-42")
Smallhythe Place
[1942] "The Best Plays of 1941-42". The Best Plays of 1941-42 and the Year Book of the Drama of America. Book plate Letitia Amory Sargent; Edith Craig's label address.
Smallhythe Place
[1942] "The Best Plays of 1941-42". The Best Plays of 1941-42 and the Year Book of the Drama of America. Book plate Letitia Amory Sargent; Edith Craig's label address.
Smallhythe Place
[1917] "Suppressed Desires". By George Cram Cook and Susan Glaspell. Provincetown Players. Inscribed 'E. [Edith] Craig'; EC-M160 inserted, permission form to perform.
Smallhythe Place
[23 June 1941] National Provincial Bank Ltd. National Provincial Bank Ltd cheque signed by Edith Craig to E. Stanger, ten shillings and six pence, Lloyds Bank, Tenterden; inserted in EC-T42.
British Library
[5 June 1934] The opening of an exhibition of portraits and other oil paintings by Federico Beltran-Masses; member of the Academies of Madrid, Barcelona and Saragos...
British Library
[Undated] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She is off to Heidelberg to visit Edith [Craig]; she promises to get the boy a seat and see him on his train; mentions Margaret and Auntie.
British Library
[20 June] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Bertha Bramley]. She is on tour with Edy [Edith Craig], playing in Edinburgh, Harrow School and the provinces reading Macbeth; asks after Basil.
British Library
[29 December 1905] From Ellen Terry to [Unknown] [Mrs Abigail Chute]. She thanks her for having something photo-copied for Edy's [Edith Craig]'s collection; she is very tired.
British Library
[1922] Laurence Olivier, Clemence Dane, Edy [Edith Craig], St Andrews, [J. M.] Barrie and LLD; press matinee, [George Bernard] Shaw as lecturer; unveils Sara...
British Library
[27 June 1922] All Star Matinee, in aid of the Infant Welfare Centres of the Women's League of Service for Motherhood. Organised by Ellen Terry.
British Library
[26 June 1888] The Mummers. Benefit performance in aid of the Recreative Evening Schools Association. Ellen Terry president of the Mummers. Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig] as Gladys. U...