EC-H523 play ("Each in His Own Way and Two Other Plays")
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] "Each in His Own Way and Two Other Plays". By Luigi Pirandello. EC-C114, EC-G2175 and EC-G2176 inserted; inscribed 'E. [Edith] Craig June 1925'.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] "Each in His Own Way and Two Other Plays". By Luigi Pirandello. EC-C114, EC-G2175 and EC-G2176 inserted; inscribed 'E. [Edith] Craig June 1925'.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] "King Richard III". By William Shakespeare. Arranged by Henry Irving; label, 'bought at the Henry Irving Sale 14-19 Dec 1905'; inscribed 'Miss E. [Edith] Craig Tenterden'.
British Library
[Undated] Numerous names of ticket holders entered into plan of auditorium; after 1930; names include Chris [Christopher St John], Edy [Edith Craig], Tony [Clar...
British Library
[9 November 1922] From Charles F. Barrett to Dr Dearmer. He accepts invitation to join League of Arts Dramatic Circle and looks forward to Edith Craig's production, commenting on her high standards.
British Library
[Undated] From V. Rosing to Sir [Christopher St John]. Encloses circulars about LAHDA as he heard from [illegible] that he and Miss [Edith] Craig wish to join.
British Library
[1926] From Sybil [Sybil Thorndike] to Tony [Clare Atwood]. She sends thanks for a message from [Ellen] Terry and mentions being disturbed about Edy [Edith Craig], [possibly about her ill health].
British Library
[23 December 1886] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Bertha Bramley]. She has been ill for three months; bereavement of Edward Godwin; describes Edith [Craig] and Ted [Edward Gordon Craig]; Auntie and The Firs.
British Library
[Undated] From Gandy E. T. [Ellen Terry] to You and Alec and Ann [Pauline Chase]. She wishes them happy New Year; will try to see them with Edy [Edith Craig] in the new year.
British Library
[April 1903] Ted's [Edward Gordon Craig] play went splendidly; bad weather; Mr Cooper, Chris [Christopher St John], Esther, Edy [Edith Craig], Pixie [Pamela Colman...
British Library
[7 August 1901] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. A joint letter written by Edie L. [Lane], Edy [Edith Craig], and Nelly [Ellen Terry]; illustration of hotel on a cliff.