ET-5,135 postcard British Library [5 August 1912] From N. [Ellen Terry] to Dame Elizabeth Rumball. She is going to the dentist; mentions Miss Portia Knight, Marion [Terry] and Edy [Edith Craig]; Nelly [Powell]; illustration of the Farm, Smallhythe.
ET-5,139 letter British Library [23 September 1912] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to My Booie-Wooie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She thanks her for the hare; Gertie Bewdlas has got married; Edy [Edith Craig] at the cottage.
ET-6,348 letter British Library [15 March 1944] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Pussie [K. Powell]. She describes her stay in hospital for a fortnight with her new baby daughter and the daily routine; mentions Edy [Edith Craig], and Edie.
ET-D183 programme (various works) British Library [25 November 1896] Ellen Terry as Lady Soupire with Frank Cooper and Ben Webster. Henry Irving as Mathias; Edith Craig as Sozel.
ET-D188 programme ("Madame Sans-Gene") British Library [24 May 1897] Henry Irving as Napoleon; Ellen Terry as Catherine; Edith Craig as Toinon.
ET-D218a programme ("The Merchant of Venice") British Library [8 March 1899] Lyceum Theatre Company. Ellen Terry as Portia; Frank Cooper as Shylock; Edith Craig as Jessica.
ET-D276 play programme ("Much Ado About Nothing") British Library [28 September 1903] Includes two illustrations of Ellen Terry. Ellen Terry as Beatrice; Edith Craig as Margaret; Matheson Lang as Benedick.
ET-Z1,012 letter British Library [29 April 1914] From Mary de Tong to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She is glad that Ellen Terry and Edith Craig are going to stay with her; mentions Ellen Terry as Queen Catherine and Stratford.
ET-Z1,318 copy of letter British Library [1914] From Dame Nellie Melba to Nell [Ellen Terry]. She suggests she call for Ellen Terry and friend the following Friday to take them to Coombe Cottage, Victoria; [copy in Edith Craig's handwriting].
ET-Z1,461 letter British Library [Undated] From Fanny Stirling to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. She mentions girl in previous letter, having worked with Edie [possibly Edith Craig]; performance in Macbeth; rarely goes out.