ET-Z1,462 letter
British Library
[Undated] From Fanny Stirling to Juliet [Ellen Terry]. She has ticket for forthcoming event and looks forward to seeing Ellen Terry, speaking to Edy [Edith Craig] and mentions Mr Toole.
British Library
[Undated] From Fanny Stirling to Juliet [Ellen Terry]. She has ticket for forthcoming event and looks forward to seeing Ellen Terry, speaking to Edy [Edith Craig] and mentions Mr Toole.
British Library
[4 June] From Laura W. Taylor to Nelly [Ellen Terry]. She and Lucy praised Ellen Terry as Beatrice; mentions Ellen Terry as Grandmama and Chlorinda; Edy [Edith Craig].
British Library
[January 1917] From Teddy [Edward Craig] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. News from Hampstead, walk with grandfather, trying to catch mouse, Edy [Edith Craig], new year's greetings; sketches of rabbits named Crowny.
British Library
[14 April 1899] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to May [May Webster]. She promises two seats for [unnamed play]; she and Edith Craig are staying at the Norfolk Hotel; mentions Ben [Webster]
British Library
[10 June 1912] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to May [May Webster]. She suggests giving the balance of her cheque for charity to the Calmour fund; refers to the involvement in pageantry of Edith Craig and May [Whitty];...
British Library
[5 December] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Albert Fleming. She offers a box at the theatre; advice on avoiding crowds at theatre; Edy 'Ailsa' [Edith Craig] with Mrs Alexander; suffers neuralgia.
British Library
[Undated] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Ellen Terry. He asks about Edy [Edith Craig] referring to losses and gains and her view that a man should be a guide; mentions Leyden; illustration of map of Amste...
British Library
[11 February 1938] Miniature exhibition in Yew Tree Cottage, Smallhythe to the memory of Sir Henry Irving, arranged by Edith Craig; list items on display; annotated '228...
British Library
[Undated] Actresses' Franchise League. Illustration of Edith Craig sitting with palette [as Rosa Bonheur]; mentions recent production at Scala Theatre and her productions for her mother [El...
British Library
[Undated] Speech by Ellen Terry; illustration of Ellen Terry as Camma; mentions Gertrude Elliott as Ophelia, Ada Rehan, Mr [Edward] Godwin, Miss Adams and Edith...