MHF2-G398 cutting
British Library
[1938] Lady Flower to receive items for Henry Irving Centenary Exhibition in Stratford -on-Avon Memorial Library; items lent by Edith Craig, Mrs H. B. Irving...
British Library
[1938] Lady Flower to receive items for Henry Irving Centenary Exhibition in Stratford -on-Avon Memorial Library; items lent by Edith Craig, Mrs H. B. Irving...
British Library
[Undated] From Clare Atwood to Miss Barnes [Hilda Barnes]. She reports that Mr Love owes rent for Chapel land and Miss [Edith] Craig's field; mentions Sharp, Mr Hart and Elphick [field] being steam ploughed.
British Library
[21 May 1927] From Owen C. Little to Miss Barnes [Hilda Barnes]. Thanks for letter and information; he will contact Woodgate about the boiler flue; mentions not having any contact with Miss [Edith] Craig.
British Library
[8 November 1910] From C. Varley to Sir [James Carew]. He writes with details of ownership of lands apportioned to Mrs Carew [Ellen Terry], Miss [Edith] Craig and Mr Cooper, suggesting a mistake was made w...
British Library
[1915] From Nelly [Nelly Craig] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. She mentions the weather, having sent a postcard to Aunty Edy [Edith Craig] and Mama [Elena Meo] making clothes; asks about weather in Australia and B...
British Library
[24 July 1938] Ellen Terry Memorial Cottage. Explanatory note which accompanied a letter from Ellen Terry to Julia Ellsworth Ford of Rye, USA presented by Percy Mackaye to Edith Craig for the Ell...
British Library
[7 January 1926] Costs for legal work relating to income tax, mentioning Miss [Edith] Craig, Mr [H. A.] Gwynne, Daniel Mayer & Co, National Provincial Bank.
British Library
[Undated] From E. C. [Ellen Terry] to Biddy [Biddy Beale]. Instructions for preparing cottage for a visit by Miss Edy [Edith Craig] and a friend; Cicely Hamilton and Mrs Fitzgerald liked the cottage; Lady Alix...
British Library
[Undated] From Your affectionate Mistress [Ellen Terry] to Clara [Clara Cole]. She visits at the weekend with Edy [Edith Craig] and Miss M. [Christopher St John] by car; instructions to warm the rooms; mentions the ducks.
British Library
[11 October 1886] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Mrs Palmer [Queen Palmer]. Edith [Craig] is with her at the play; mentions departure of Edward Godwin; message to Fred and Nannie [Held]; Louise Jopling sent the news; asks her...