ET-5,057 postcard British Library [25 December 1903] From N. [Ellen Terry] to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball]. She sends Christmas greetings; staying with Nan and her family in Wales; Edy [Edith Craig] is at home with work at the Court Theatre; New Year card wi...
ET-6,318 letter British Library [Undated] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Pussie [K. Powell]. She mentions a display, forthcoming exams; invitation to stay with Toto [Gertrude Norman]; visit from Aunt Edy [Edith Craig] and mother.
ET-6,319 letter British Library [Undated] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Bo [Catherine Elizabeth Powell]. She sends a present and wishes her a happy 83rd birthday; mentions Pussie, Edy [Edith Craig] and Olive [Chaplin]; asks for another writing pad.
ET-8,364 letter British Library [28 February 1928] From Mother [Elizabeth Powell] to Nellie [Nellie Powell]. She listened with K. [Kitty Powell] to the broadcast; Edy [Edith Craig] so like Nell [Ellen Terry]; mentions Kitten, the Burtons, Emily and Joe, enclo...
ET-D174 programme ("King Arthur") British Library [8 June 1895] 100th performance. Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig] as Clarissant, Ellen Terry as Guinevere, Henry Irving as King Arthur and Ben Webster as Lancelot.
ET-D234d programme ("Madame Sans Gene") British Library [3 February 1899] Lyceum Theatre Company. Ellen Terry as Catherine; Frank Cooper as Lefebvre; Edith Craig as Elisa; two copies.
ET-D418a play programme (various works) British Library [14 September 1880] Lyceum Theatre Company. Henry Irving as Dr Primrose and Ellen Terry as Olivia. Edward Gordon Craig as Moses and Minnie Terry as Dick. Annotated 'c1880' and 'Edith Craig' as...
ET-D494 programme (various works) British Library [2 July 1915] The Invalid Kitchens of London. Matinee in aid of the Invalid Kitchens of London. Fred Terry, H. B. Irving, Ellen Terry, Edith Craig and Miss and Master Gordon Craig.
ET-Z1,591 letter, mourning paper British Library [13 July 1915] From C. Wilhelm to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He invites Ellen Terry, [Edith Craig], Mrs Craig [Elena Meo], Nellie and Teddie for tea; after the Princess and the Pea production.
ET-Z1,725/78 letter British Library [26 October 1919] From Elena [Elena Meo] to Madre Mia [Ellen Terry]. Edward Gordon Craig is almost recovered from typhoid fever; doctors; two-week delirium; complains Edy [Edith Craig] has not written but is busy with s...