ET-D348 programme (various works)
British Library
[20 April 1907] Music composed by Christopher Wilson. Ellen Terry as Elizabeth of York and Lady Cicely Waynflete. James Carew as Henry of Lancaster and Captain Brassb...
British Library
[20 April 1907] Music composed by Christopher Wilson. Ellen Terry as Elizabeth of York and Lady Cicely Waynflete. James Carew as Henry of Lancaster and Captain Brassb...
British Library
[23 June 1895] From Pearl Mary Craigie to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. Will attend first performance; programme note about George Moore and Caraquel; met [Edith Craig] at Daly's; Sarah B[ernhardt] boring; Eleonora Duse in...
British Library
[20 December 1895] From J. O. H. Pearl [Pearl Mary Craigie] to Nell [Ellen Terry]. Describes the character of Mrs Cunningham as 'the fit wife of a great Prime Minister'; sorry to have missed Edie [Edith Craig].
British Library
[June 1917] From Matheson Lang to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He thanks Ellen Terry for her letter; anything he can do for her or Edy [Edith Craig] is a pleasure; he never forgets her help and guidance in the pas...
British Library
[20 March 1919] From Joan Vivian-Rees to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. She thanks her for the encouraging message about Joan's playing in Miss [Edith] Craig's show the following Sunday. She and husband Fish [Fisher White]...
British Library
[Undated] From Chris [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. Criticism of statesman and his legacy; mentions Gladstone; asks for plans to send to America; Edy [Edith Craig] is working long hours at 13 [Henrietta...
British Library
[Undated] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Albert Fleming]. She thanks him for the stuff; she has been ill; Edith Craig taught her to spin and has gone back to school; her dog has died and bullfinch dying.
British Library
[December 1908] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He sent card to Edy [Edith Craig]; rereads Ellen Terry's letter; mentions her performance in Graham Robertson's fairy play; her autobiography was succ...
British Library
[13 February 1932] The Servers of the Blind League. Annual Party and entertainment for the members of the Social Clubs for the Blind; Edith Craig president and Major Hon. Christopher Lowther chairman to...
British Library
[21 May 1938] Notice of Henry Irving Centenary Matinee, valuable souvenir programme; Edith Craig lent Ellen Terry's Rosamund dress to Diane Wynyard; scroll to be si...