EC-G1022 cutting
British Library
[11 April 1925] Pioneer Players. Review
British Library
[11 April 1925] Pioneer Players. Review
British Library
[15 November 1924] Review.
British Library
[6 January 1925] York Everyman Theatre.
British Library
[6 January 1925] York Everyman Theatre.
British Library
[17 October 1925] Renaissance Theatre. Review
British Library
[Undated] Group of actors in costume standing near wall in rural setting.
British Library
[20 October] Women’s Freedom League.
British Library
[16 June 1920] From G. Dora Wright to [Unknown] [Christopher St John]. Thanks for tickets for Miss Hunt; has not received tickets for Dr Hall; [Edith Craig]; annotation indicates that tickets have been to sent to Dr Hall.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Farley Mummers; The Barn Theatre Club. Advertisement for the Barn Theatre Club, Fairlight, East Sussex with G. Lyon-Hastings as director and producer; Edith Craig was one of six vice presid...
British Library
[8 December 1924] Arts League of Service. Edith Craig to be director; Mirandolina, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, Mary’s Wedding, Les Cloches de Corneville, Dido and Aeneas (Purcell).