ET-Z2,066 letter
British Library
[12 August] From Nellen T. [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown]. She describes her stay in Germany; Edy [Edith Craig] went to Berlin yesterday; they go to Paris tomorrow; getting a dress from Felix, Miss Sara's dres...
British Library
[12 August] From Nellen T. [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown]. She describes her stay in Germany; Edy [Edith Craig] went to Berlin yesterday; they go to Paris tomorrow; getting a dress from Felix, Miss Sara's dres...
British Library
[30 October 1899] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Sweet Satina [Sally Fairchild]. She describes the view of Central Park from the Plaza Hotel; misses Joe Evans; news of Bernie from Dardanelles, Edy [Edith Craig], Ben Lockwood; 12 Co...
British Library
[15 July 1888] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. He mentions Edy [Edith Craig] having 'improved' after being in America; he is Vice president of a debating society; asks for a prayer book; annotated...
British Library
[5 January 1888] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She describes Chicago; mentions Henry [Irving], Edy [Edith Craig], Bram [Stoker], Loveday and many others; the success of Faust in Philadephia; Dexter...
British Library
[10 May 1909] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball]. She has visited Graham; Edy [Edith Craig] has been to Stratford-upon-Avon; Ellen Terry is to make a speech at Drury Lane and act in a play at Lady Ell...
British Library
[17 May 1911] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Dear old pet [Elizabeth Rumball]. She is giving recitals for charity but is taking a theatre on 25th for a lecture for herself; her part in the production for Edy [Edith Craig] and the...
British Library
[20 June 1911] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Elizabeth Rumball]. She encloses a cheque; the Coronation; the ball at the Albert Hall where she will walk in the Shakespeare procession as Beatrice; Edy [Edith Craig]'s...
British Library
[22 January 1933] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Pussie [K. Powell]. She went to see Peter Pan at the Palladium with Molly and Edy [Edith Craig]; mentions Betty, Josie, going to church; asks for clothes to be sent.
British Library
[Undated] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Pussie [K. Powell]. She thanks her for sending the money; she has written to Edy [Edith Craig] to say that she is going home [to Norfolk] and is not going to the Memorial...
British Library
[Undated] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Pussie [K. Powell]. She describes a preacher's lesson in church; mentions going to the theatrical exhibition with Aunt Edy [Edith Craig]; scenes from Shakespeare for eloc...