SCB4-D12 programme ("King Richard III")
British Library
[5 April 1897] Henry Irving as Duke of Gloster[sic]; Edward Gordon Craig as King Edward IV; Edith Craig as King's Page; Maude Milton as Elizabeth and Genevieve Ward...
British Library
[5 April 1897] Henry Irving as Duke of Gloster[sic]; Edward Gordon Craig as King Edward IV; Edith Craig as King's Page; Maude Milton as Elizabeth and Genevieve Ward...
British Library
[27 December] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Bo [Catherine Elizabeth Powell]. She has been ill for a month, cared for by Marjorie Heslewood; mentions Kitty, Nenny [Nelly Craig] and Teddy [Edward Craig] acting, Edy [Edith Craig];...
British Library
[14 September 1886] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Queen [Queen Palmer]. Arrangements for Edy [Edith Craig] and Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to catch earlier train; mentions Tante, worried about Olive and Sara; Alice; Mrs Will...
Smallhythe Place
[19 February 1937] From Irene Cooper Willis [ ] to Miss Harvey [J. M. Harvey]. Refers to Chamberlain having quoted Ellen Terry without permission in the House of Commons on the 17th; having drafted a letter for Edith Craig to sen...
British Library
[22 August 1898] Ellen Terry as Desdemona, Frank Cooper as Othello, Louis Calvert as Iago, Edith Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig] as Bianca, Genevieve Ward as Emilia. Music c...
Smallhythe Place
[1926] Various photographs , Edith Craig, Snuff, Tim; Christopher St John, Priest's house c. 1926; copies of photographs for James Lees-Milne's book 'People...
British Library
[Undated] Leeds Art Theatre.
British Library
[Undated] Leeds Art Theatre.
British Library
[9 February 1925] Leeds Art Theatre.
British Library
[9 February 1925] Leeds Art Theatre.