EC-G1695 cutting
British Library
[Undated] The Masses Stage and Film Guild. Review
British Library
[Undated] The Masses Stage and Film Guild. Review
British Library
[5 July 1920] From Hon. Secretary to Mrs Charles H. Archibald [Ruth Helen Davis]. Edith Craig passed her letter on; suggests meeting at Gourmets Restaurant with Miss Craig to discuss American rights of correspondent's version. On re...
British Library
[20 May] From C. A. [Clare Atwood] to Mr Ramsden. She replies to postcard from Mr Ramsden asking for promptbook back so that Ambush can be played in Hornsea; Miss [Edith] Craig points out that she doe...
British Library
[15 December 1925] Children’s Country Holidays Fund. Matinee in aid of the Fund. Rose Quong, Esme Percy, C. Staite, D. Erroll, C. Atwood, Prince Nicholas Galitzina, John Gielgud, Ronald Pertwee, Edith Cr...
British Library
[15 April 1916] From Maurice Moscovitch to Miss St John [Christopher St John]. He regrets he cannot take part as Michel Prinsen in Edith Craig’s production in May as his season at Mile End does not end until June; signature is st...
British Library
[Undated] From Gandy [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Pauline Chase]. Invitation to dine at her Ellen Terry's Banquet at Edy's [Edith Craig]'s table at the Cecil; mentions Lady Alix [Egerton] and Lindsay, Nickos; she lea...
British Library
[21 February 1890] From Ellen Terry to Dr Mackenzie [Alexander Mackenzie]. She thanks him for his letter; she has decided to delay [Edith Craig]'s entrance to R. A. M. exam for a year; she will join R. A. M. as a pupil; ment...
British Library
[18 August 1909] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She mentions visits from George Ullmann and Bertie the Baronet, friends of James Carew; relationship between Edith Craig, Edward Gordon Craig and Jame...
British Library
[8 June 1912] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She is staying at Graham's with Alix Egerton; Katie Lewis, George L's daughter, staying next door at the Sutro's; Edy [Edith Craig] is busy; Ted [Edwa...
British Library
[8 August 1912] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She is very busy and has problems with servants; mentions Edy [Edith Craig], Jim [James Carew], Marjorie Black, Bertha, Norah, Nenny [Nelly Craig], Te...