ET-Z1,432 letter British Library [27 July 1910] From Chris [Christopher St John] to Gandy [Ellen Terry]. She asks about arrangements for visit, justifies travel abroad as not extravagant and good for Edy's [Edith Craig] health; letting the cottage; mentio...
ET-Z1,491 letter British Library [Undated] From Tom Taylor to Nelly [Ellen Terry]. He congratulates her on her performance as Portia. He asks about Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] and Edie [Edith Craig], whether they have two books: Caldec...
ET-Z1,725/48 letter British Library [8 January] From Old Elena [Elena Meo] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. She should not go to see daddy if it would shock him in his weak state; she saw Ellen Terry and Edy [Edith Craig] in Daily Mail; knighted her; do not...
ET-Z2,271 letter British Library [2 March 1898] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to May and Ben [May Webster]. She thanks them for her birthday present of little velvet mat and gives news of Edith Craig book-making in Paris and will need a theatre job on her re...
SCB26A-B25 letter British Library [13 January 1908] From E. Moore to Dear Sir [James Carew]. He confirms the plans to deal with drainage from the new lawn being created for Miss [Edith] Craig [at Priest's House] about which James Carew has com...
SCB3-A55 postcard British Library [2 January] From E. T. [Ellen Terry] to Clara [Clara Cole]. She asks for a silver tea caddy (with sketch); elastic knee caps; horn spoons; Emily and Miss Edy [Edith Craig] have lost things; mentions Lally and d...