EC-G1681 cutting
British Library
[13 October 1925] Renaissance Theatre. Review.
British Library
[13 October 1925] Renaissance Theatre. Review.
British Library
[Undated] Masses Stage and Film Guild.
British Library
[Undated] Group of actors in costume, some sitting near a pageant stage in a rural setting.
British Library
[Undated] [Ashford Conservatives].
British Library
[3 December 1902] Forbes Robertson season.
British Library
[20 October 1910] Women's Freedom League.
British Library
[9 December 1934] Leeds Art Theatre. Charles F. Smith joint founder of Leeds Art Theatre and Leeds Civic Playhouse to leave; interview with him mentions Edith Craig's production of The Dy...
British Library
[21 November 1950] From Teddy [Edward Craig] to Chris [Christopher St John] and Tony [Clare Atwood]. He describes a dream about Edith Craig organising an exhibition of Ellen Terry's costumes; mentions George Bernard Shaw's death, Helen's job in Fleet...
British Library
[23 July 1884] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Bertha Bramley]. She apologises that she cannot visit as she has lost her voice; Dr Mackenzie advises her not to speak and she is unable to work; Edie [Edith Craig] an...
British Library
[3 November 1887] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Elizabeth Rumball]. She mentions Edie, Edy [Edith Craig], Mr Fowler, Mr Gram, Mr McHenry, George Stoker, Mrs Beecher, Miss Harries, Edward [Gordon Craig], Henry [Irving],...