ET-D496 flyer ("The Merchant of Venice")
British Library
[31 August 1915] Pioneer Players. In aid of the Franciscan Church Building Fund.
British Library
[31 August 1915] Pioneer Players. In aid of the Franciscan Church Building Fund.
British Library
[10 April 1897] With hard cover, bound in coloured silk grosgrain. First night performance. Names of Mr Innes, Edith Craig, Ellen Terry and Henry Irving marked in cas...
British Library
[1915] From Nell [Elena Meo], Nelly [Craig], Ted [Edward Gordon Craig], Teddy [Edward Craig] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. Concerned about Lord Howard de Walden's apparent broken promise; exhibition not lucrative; Lady Warwick; Edy's [Edith Craig's] toys sold well.
British Library
[Undated] From Graham [Graham Robertson] to Eleanora [Ellen Terry]. He mentions [J. M.] Barrie and [George Bernard] Shaw, Ted [Edward Gordon Craig], Edy [Edith Craig], Institute Galleries, Piccadilly, the Woman and inc...
British Library
[26 July 1910] From Chris [Christopher St John] to Gandy [Ellen Terry]. She writes about arrangements for visit; Olive renting cottage for August; Edy [Edith Craig] waiting for false teeth; has written new introduction to...
British Library
[15 March 1915] From Christie [Christopher St John] to dearest & best of Ellens [Ellen Terry]. She enquires after the operation and invites her to attend a dinner in her honour by the Pioneers [Players], praises lighting of Edy's [Edith Craig] l...
British Library
[23 December] From Laura W. Taylor to Nelly [Ellen Terry]. She sends New Year greetings and has sent pack of Shakespearean Twelfth Night characters for Edy [Edith Craig] and Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to play w...
British Library
[28 April 1886] From [Unknown] [G. F. Watts] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. He mentions news of her daughter [Edith Craig], the boy [Edward Gordon Craig], her health and work; Blanche's baby; hopes now in Grosvenor Gallery; Ha...
British Library
[22 January 1915] From Nenny [Nelly Craig] to Granny [Ellen Terry]. She sends thanks for presents of gloves, button hook, shoe horn; mentions cape from Aunt Edy [Edith Craig] at Christmas; visit to Strand Theatre to se...
British Library
[14 May 1924] From Phil [Philip Craig] to Mother [May Craig]. He asks her to ask Aunt Edy's [Edith Craig] advice about seeking financial assistance to return to England for medical treatment; he is working hard t...