ET-D482 programme ("Paphnutius")
British Library
[11 January 1914] Pioneer Players. Ellen Terry as the Abbess and Harcourt Williams as Paphnutius.
British Library
[11 January 1914] Pioneer Players. Ellen Terry as the Abbess and Harcourt Williams as Paphnutius.
British Library
[1907] Ellen Terry as Cicely Waynflete and James Carew as Captain Brassbound; blue cover.
British Library
[1903] Under the management of Ellen Terry; Ellen Terry as Hiordis; five copies.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Costume designs for unidentified historical pageant; cover labelled 'Episode IV Book 5, Pilgrimage of Grace Clarence' and annotated 'to be returned to...
British Library
[9 February 1919] Pioneer Players. Thirty-first subscription performance.
British Library
[7 January] Leeds Art Theatre. Illustration of St Edward's Church on front cover.
British Library
[June 1923] The Phoenix Incorporated Stage Society. Sixteenth production. Music arranged and conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham. History of the play.
British Library
[1925] [York Everyman Theatre]. Illustration of actors in costume; Frieda Rowntree Harris, Jean Maclaren and Jack Ashmore.
British Library
[4 December 1936] Conservative Association. Review of production; illustrations of actors in costume; E. P. Smith as Falstaff.
British Library
[Undated] [Ashford Conservatives]. Includes agenda item for 'Costumes - Miss Craig'.