EC-P140 flyer
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Barn Theatre Society. Brief outline of founding in 1931, annual subscription, application for tickets and donations; president Lady Maud Warrender and 11 vice-presidents, d...
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Barn Theatre Society. Brief outline of founding in 1931, annual subscription, application for tickets and donations; president Lady Maud Warrender and 11 vice-presidents, d...
British Library
[January 1919] Borough Nursing Fund. Organised by Lady Maud Warrender, in aid of the Borough Nursing Fund.
British Library
[Undated] Pioneer Players. Ellen Terry. In aid of the Franciscan Church Building Fund. Annotated on reverse 'Rye Show'
British Library
[11 May 1907] Ellen Terry as Elizabeth and James Carew as Henry of Lancaster.
British Library
[5 March 1908] Ellen Terry as Cicely Waynflete and James Carew as Captain Brassbound.
British Library
[30 April 1908] Ellen Terry as Cicely Waynflete and James Carew as Captain Brassbound.
British Library
[1938] Description of plans for Henry Irving centenary with service at St Martin-in-the-Fields church, followed by procession to Henry Irving statue, listing...
British Library
[16 December 1933] Christmas party and entertainment for members of the Social Clubs for the Blind in London held in Central Hall, Westminster; illustration of Dame Elle...
British Library
[August 1936] From A. M. Ranson to Miss Hardy. Arrangements about making curtains and costumes for The Merry Wives of Windsor.
British Library
[September 1936] From A. M. Ranson to [Unknown]. He encloses 100 stamped postcards calling rehearsals for approval.