ET-D263 programme ("Much Ado About Nothing")
British Library
[23 May 1903] Under management of Ellen Terry; Ellen Terry as Beatrice.
British Library
[23 May 1903] Under management of Ellen Terry; Ellen Terry as Beatrice.
British Library
[23 May 1903] Ellen Terry as Beatrice. Under management of Ellen Terry.
British Library
[February 1904]
British Library
[8 February 1904] Ellen Terry as Portia; three copies.
British Library
[Undated] Leeds Art Theatre. Three actors in costume on stage, listing their names and roles; Gladys Ferrans, Phyllis Duckett, Florrie Handley.
British Library
[15 April 1903] Ellen Terry as Hiordis; music composed by Martin Fallas Shaw. Under the management of Ellen Terry.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Costumes designs or unidentified historical pageant; cover inscribed 'Episode III A & B Book 4 Henry VIII (York) Road to Tyburn (Kirkby Heatham) and a...
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] Eleven envelopes of photographs of Ellen Terry in Olivia, The Dead Heart, Ravenswood, Much Ado About Nothing, The Merchant of Venice; Edward Gordon Cr...
British Library
[28 August 1923] From Arthur Richman to Miss Craig. Chance Newton of the Referee asked if he could see the rehearsal; suggestions about lighting and props.
British Library
[22 August 1923] From Tripp to Hobday [Harold Hobday]. Resume rehearsals as terms have been made with Cochran; opening on 1 or 3 September [1923].