EC-G2037 cutting
British Library
[24 May 1933] Ceremony for donation of costumes and items belonging to Dame Ellen Terry and Sir Henry irving to the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford on Avon,...
British Library
[24 May 1933] Ceremony for donation of costumes and items belonging to Dame Ellen Terry and Sir Henry irving to the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford on Avon,...
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] One of a set of photographs of Ellen Terry and others in various roles: Ellen Terry in a kimono, kneeling on a chair looking out of window, Ellen Terr...
British Library
[22 August 1922] Rye Cricket Club. Entertainment in aid of Rye Cricket Club.
British Library
[1 August 1936] From [Unknown] to [Unknown]. Form letter allocating parts and invitation to first rehearsal (Temple edition of Shakespeare being used) for The Merry Wives of Windsor on 3 Septembe...
British Library
[Undated] Lyceum Club Dramatic Sub-Committee. Conference of London Play-producing Societies; Poetry Society, Oncomers, English Play Society, Moliere, Elizabethan Society, Morality Society, Playfel...
British Library
[13 January 1919] Ellen Terry as Prologue; includes Procession of Saints & Martyrs. In aid of the Rye Borough Nursing Fund. Music arranged by Kennedy Scott.
British Library
[Undated] Review of production, listing peformers Sybil Thorndike, Nancy Price, Esme Beringer, Brember Wills, Tom Heslewood, Prince Nicholas Zalitzin [sic] [Gal...
British Library
[31 May 1913] Sunshine Convalescent Home; Fitzroy Club for Working Boys. Queen Yvonne Fitzroy, Eileen Knox, Lady Winifred Gore and Miss Fitzgerald.
British Library
[11 July 1934] Sixth anniversary of Ellen Terry's death with performance in Barn Theatre; Phyllis Neilson-Terry, Sybil Thorndike and John Gielgud, Mary Casson, Steph...
British Library
[29 July 1934] Sixth anniversary of Ellen Terry's death with performance in Barn Theatre; Phyllis Neilson-Terry, Sybil Thorndike and John Gielgud, Mary Casson, Steph...