EC-A58 letter Smallhythe Place [31 August 1932] From Christopher St John [ ] to Jo [Miss J. M. Harvey]. Recalls the enclosed [advertisements] for visiting Ellen Terry's house, introduction of one shilling admission system, financial difficulties and publ...
EC-D120 programme (various works) British Library [3 December 1915] Pioneer Players. Special matinee organised by Lady Randolph Churchill; in aid of the Countess of Limerick's free refreshment buffet for soldiers and sailors, London Br...
EC-G1416 cutting British Library [13 November 1909] Actresses' Franchise League. Illustrations of cast in costume including Ellen Terry as Nance Oldfield, Marion Terry as Florence Nightingale, Pauline Chase as Joan of Arc, Eva Balf...
EC-G1642 cutting, two copies British Library [26 January 1937] New Shop Window Play Society. Review; illustration of actor playing Isabella Linton, Audrey Russell; mentions Viola Lyel, Reginald Tate, J. Hubert Leslie and Miss Anne Kennington....
EC-P14 handbill ("An Early English Nativity Play") British Library [Undated] In aid of women war workers. [Secretary Mrs Geoffrey Bowes-Lyon; diction, Dr Aiken, music arranged by Mr C. Kennedy Scott; lists patrons and ticket pr...
ET-Z2,025 letter British Library [1894] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha [Bertha Bramley]. She describes disappointment being grandmother and being unwell; Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] on tour; May's behaviour; Mrs Thomson; the Tyrells; the Rec...
ET-5,092 letter British Library [29 May 1910] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Elizabeth Rumball]. She is working on her American lectures; seat for Jim [James Carew] at the funeral but she did not want to go; Amy Ward's illness; May [Ward]; Kitty's...
ET-5,129 letter British Library [Undated] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She report that Nelly [Powell]'s voice has been praised by Marie Bremer and Charles Phillips and she plans to arrange tuition for her in London; love...
ET-6,326 letter British Library [Undated] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Pussie [K. Powell]. She explains that she has whooping cough and has been advised to go to the country but it is not decided where yet. She would prefer Norfolk to Kent w...
ET-8,319 letter British Library [14 March 1884] From Joe and Kitty [Joseph Powell] to Aunt [Elizabeth Rumball]. The bricklayer, Charles Woods, is contracted; hopes to buy Mrs Davis's garden; mentions Father Bocking; looks forward to her visit; mentions Nelly [El...