ET-Z1,418 letter British Library [1 October 1902] From C [Christopher St John] to Dearest dear [Ellen Terry]. She asks for the address of Mr Coleman in Washington to send verses; ashamed about flippant reference to Edie Lane; pleased to interview Ellen Terry;...
ET-Z1,725/47 letter British Library [25 July] From Old Mama Elena [Elena Meo] to [Unknown]. She asks for news; Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] says not to send the £5 per month; news of Mildred Aldrich, author of A Hill Top on the Marne and Mr Wilh...
ET-Z2,112 letter British Library [1909] From Wattles [Ellen Terry] to Wee Pottles [Pauline Chase]. She thanks her for her letter; she cannot go to Dieppe; mentions some building at bottom of garden; going to Dinant to Miss Lowther and Edinbugh to Ji...
ET-Z2,233 letter British Library [Undated] From Awful Ellen Louisa [Ellen Terry] to Chris [Christopher St John]. She is obliged to postpone the visit of Pixie [Pamela Colman Smith] since there are problems with servants leaving because of illness; mentions Alfred...
ET-Z2,269 letter British Library [Undated] From Eleanora Alicia Terry [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [May Webster]. She mentions the moving pictures of Ellen Terry in Brighton; [May] acting in the East End of London and Newcastle, Bennie [Ben Webster], Frank C. [Coo...
ET-Z4,067 letter British Library [2 July 1930] From Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] to Jim [James Carew]. Robert Loraine is delaying any commitment to their proposed collaboration and mentions Cochran as a possible obstacle; Edward Gordon Craig is moving t...
SC22-B227 letter British Library [Undated] From Paul Cooper to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He advises on and draws a diagram of the appropriate type of damp course made of slate; warns of the risk of damp in the cellar; cites George Meredith...
SC22-B94 letter British Library [13 June 1912] From Nell Padgett to Lady Nell [Ellen Terry]. She remarks on Ellen Terry's illness; reports on visit to Tower Cottage with Curd to design garden (with diagram); she reports on development of her o...
SCB3-A40 letter British Library [1 March] From The Missus [Ellen Terry] to Clara [Clara Cole]. She sends condolences on death of Clara's sister; Cole must keep the receipts for purchases; bill for coal; smoking chimney; send Nick to Headcorn or...
EC-B94 letter British Library [25 February 1913] From Countess Iska Teleki, Rosika Schwimmer, Paula Pogany to Dear Madam. Invitation to VIIth congress of International Alliance for Woman's Suffrage; lists names of Executive Committee; annotated by Ellen Terry with referen...