EC-D122 programme (various works)
British Library
[18 November 1915] Pioneer Players. Russia’s Day; George Grossmith, Madge Saunders, Vladimir V. Ber, Lupino Lane, Marjorie Dunbar, Horatio Bottomley, Mme Slava Krassavina
British Library
[18 November 1915] Pioneer Players. Russia’s Day; George Grossmith, Madge Saunders, Vladimir V. Ber, Lupino Lane, Marjorie Dunbar, Horatio Bottomley, Mme Slava Krassavina
British Library
[29 May 1917] Prisoners of War - Countess Cromartie. Includes music with the Aeolian Sextete, songs by various artists: Madge Saunders, Regine Flory, M. Jan Oyra, Physllis Lett, Nelson Keys, Marie Novell...
British Library
[26 June 1919] From M. Kennedy-Fraser [Margery Kennedy-Fraser] to Lady Alix [Alix Egerton]. Very detailed letter about a production of her play with suggestions for its staging and costume; mentions Graham Price, Fiona Macleod, with message f...
British Library
[11 December 1890] From Nell [Ellen Terry] to Bertha B. [Bertha Bramley]. Bertha's children; Basil; Minnie Terry's brother has been dangerously ill; Mrs Harries, Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] had jaundice and goes to Bournemouth...
British Library
[8 January 1896] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball]. She thanks Boo and H. H. for parcels; mentions William, Mary, Stephen [Coleridge]; William Purrington married Olivia Wheatley; Alix Egerton, Audrey, E...
British Library
[6 May 1902] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to [Unknown] [Elizabeth Rumball]. She invites [Elizabeth Rumball] to Vine Cottage when Ellen Terry returns from America; describes Edie Lane's four cousins, Ethel, Ellie, Marg; mention...
British Library
[5 January 1905] From Nellie [Ellen Terry] to Old Twiggle Wiggles [Elizabeth Rumball]. Joe [Powell]'s advice on a new stove for Tower Cottage and lamp stand; mentions Aimee, Audrey, Esther, Kate Menear, Tree; advice on servants; Ted [Edw...
British Library
[2 February 1905] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Humpty-Dumpty [Elizabeth Rumball]. She has a new servant from Hanley; Mrs Crabbe; drive with Mr and Mrs Hardcastle to Norman's house at Wittersham Hill; plans to have a portrait of hers...
British Library
[24 January 1906] "[Macbeth]". By [William Shakespeare]. From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball]. She asks for the cloth Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] sent; Kate [Terry] is at St Raphael and Aimee comes on Thursday; visit to villas associated with Rosa...
British Library
[11 May 1910] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Boo [Elizabeth Rumball]. The King's death; Shakespeare Festival, Stratford; Jim [James Carew] as Shylock; Amy Ward's illness; May Ward; Olive [Terry]; Chris[topher St John] we...