ET-5,119 letter British Library [3 August 1911] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Dear old thing [Elizabeth Rumball]. She mentions her health; the two Palgraves; account of Edward Gordon Craig's second marriage, after divorce, to [Elena Meo]; May [Craig]'s dressmaking...
ET-5,126 letter British Library [29 October 1911] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She saw her brother Charlie in Dublin; Lord Lieutenant and Lady Aberdeen attended her lecture; Sir Thornley Stoker; Lady Lyttelton, Lady Ormond, Charl...
ET-5,134 letter British Library [10 July 1912] From Nelly [Ellen Terry] to the dear precious old Booie [Elizabeth Rumball]. She is unwell; mentions her mobility and memory difficulties; Nelly [Craig] and Ted [Edward Craig]; Jim [James Carew] at Garrick Theatre; Viola Tree i...
ET-5,208 letter British Library [29 February 1912] From Ellen Terry to Dear old thing [K. Powell]. She mentions unsolicited letters; Boo [Mrs Rumball], [Mrs Powell], Nelly [Powell] and Mr Phillips about membership of the Three Arts Club of which Dav...
ET-6,342 letter British Library [28 February] From Robin [Robinetta Craig] to Pussie [K. Powell]. She describes her half term holiday with trips to the theatre, cinema and Tony [Clare Atwood]'s club to see a variety show; games at school; school ce...
ET-M4/12/7 cutting British Library [24 May 1923] Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Museum. Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Museum, Stratford presented with stage properties used by Sir Henry Irving; mentions Ellen Terry, Mrs H. B. Irving, Edith...
ET-Z1,224 letter British Library [January 1905] From Paul Hildesheim to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. About money in German marks for Gordon Craig which she has sent; believes Gordon Craig would like to attend first night of Venice Preserved in the Les...
ET-Z1,417 letter British Library [25 September 1902] From Chris [Christopher St John] to [Unknown] [Ellen Terry]. She has been ill; Ellen Terry's tour notices; Audrey and May; Laurence Irving as Bassanio, Portia; Switzerland; malicious gossip two years ago attribu...
ET-Z1,466 letter British Library [Undated] From F. S. [Fanny Stirling] to Ellen [Ellen Terry]. She thanks Ellen Terry for thinking of her; she has been unwell, only eating soft foods for a year and unable to climb stairs; mentions Ellen Terry ha...
ET-Z1,725/81 letter, first page of two pages British Library [Undated] From Your old Nell [Elena Meo] to Madre Mia Cara [Ellen Terry]. Chickens; letter from Mina [Meo]; Nellie [Craig] with bleeding nose; Ted [Edward Gordon Craig] has had gastritis and fever; not to tell anyone, not ev...