ET-D969 programme ("King Richard III")
British Library
[1 March 1897] Music composed by Meredith Ball. Henry Irving as Richard. Gordon Craig as King Edward IV. Edith Craig as the King's page. Maude Milton as Elizabeth. A...
British Library
[1 March 1897] Music composed by Meredith Ball. Henry Irving as Richard. Gordon Craig as King Edward IV. Edith Craig as the King's page. Maude Milton as Elizabeth. A...
British Library
[3 April 1897] Henry Irving as Richard; Edward Gordon Craig as King Edward; Edith Craig as King's page; Maud Milton as Elizabeth.
British Library
[12 October 1903] Ellen Terry as Beatrice; Edith Craig as Margaret; Matheson Lang as Benedick.
British Library
[2 September 1918] Ellen Terry in scenes from Shakespeare with others.
British Library
[2 September 1918] Harold V. Neilson presents Ellen Terry in scenes from Shakespeare as Portia and Mistress Page.
British Library
[17 June 1895] Ellen Terry as Portia, Henry Irving as Shylock and Ailsa Craig [Edith Craig] as Jessica.
British Library
[23 May 1903] Under management of Ellen Terry; annotated 'first night at Imperial'.
British Library
[12 April 1919] Doris Keane as Juliet, Ellen Terry as the Nurse. Edith Craig assisted in the production.
British Library
[12 April 1919] Ellen Terry as the Nurse; Edith Craig assisted the stage manager.
British Library
[24 June 1903] Under management of Ellen Terry.