EC-Z3,558 letter
British Library
[13 June 1932] From Frances E. Rendel to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. A draft report on his medical treatment of Ellen Terry and his account of her final illness.
British Library
[13 June 1932] From Frances E. Rendel to [Unknown] [Edith Craig]. A draft report on his medical treatment of Ellen Terry and his account of her final illness.
British Library
[17 November] From Norah Robinson to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She regrets she cannot accept the offered role owing to another commitment in December.
British Library
[16 November 1931] From Miriam Stead to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She offers theatrical souvenirs to the [Ellen Terry Memorial museum] and discusses transportation.
British Library
[1947] Pioneer [Players]. Obituary on death of Edith Craig, summarising her career; mentions Sybil Thorndike, Christopher St John, Queen Mary, Ellen Terry, Edward Gordon Craig.
British Library
[22 October 1928] From Christie, Manson & Woods to Madam [Edith Craig]. Asks permission for bearer to take away items as arranged.
British Library
[3 November 1928] From Hatch & Waterman to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Proposes arrangements for the cataloguing and sale at Christie Manson & Woods, mentioning Gilbert Samuel & Co.
British Library
[10 October 1939] From Alfred Hobson, County Accountant to Madam [Edith Craig]. He encloses a statement of the costs for the purchase of Toll Cottage, Smalhythe.
British Library
[22 January 1913] From F. Sidgwick to Edith Craig. Encloses draft agreement with inserted clause on copyright and cheque; with receipt attached.
British Library
[17 January 1913] From [Unknown] [Edith Craig] to F. Sidgwick. Sets out [Ellen] Terry's terms for publication of her essay on the Russian Ballet.
British Library
[27 April 1934] Shute lectures to be delivered by four different lecturers including Edith Craig.