EC-B248 letter
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] From George Skillan [George Skillan] to Edie Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses Othello, just published, with best wishes.
Smallhythe Place
[Undated] From George Skillan [George Skillan] to Edie Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses Othello, just published, with best wishes.
British Library
[21 February 1918] From Frederick Whelen to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses copies of letter inviting distinguished people to join the general committee for matinees.
British Library
[16 February 1918] From Frederick Whelen to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He announces dates, venue and ticket prices, including tax, for performance.
British Library
[28 February 1918] From Geoffrey Douglas to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He asks for details of part and aims of matinee; can only rehearse in the evenings.
British Library
[21 March 1918] From Frederick Whelen to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He encloses two plays on behalf of Chevalier [Ugo] Catani.
British Library
[14 November 1915] From Gilbert Laye to Edith Craig. Lady Paget is communicating with Lady Maud Warrender; will inform her about The Soul; Russia's Day 18 November 1915.
British Library
[Undated] From B. Trenewen to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He returns prompt copy, unable to come up for The Shepherds and hopes that she can get a replacement.
British Library
[4 February 1924] From L. B. Ramsden to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. He is away for weekend's recuperation and confirms date of final rehearsal.
British Library
[15 March 1924] From Chas F. Smith [Charles Smith] to Edith Craig. He encloses a copy of letter to Laurie Ramsden about future arrangements concerning Ramsden's salary.
British Library
[6 December 1934] From Mrs Margaret Jenkin to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. She sends thanks from the East Kent Women’s Institute Drama Festivals.