EC-AZ3,117 letter
British Library
[23 July 1928] From Lewis Hill to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry, mentioning his role as Jacob in play at the Guildhouse and having met Ellen Terry; headed notepaper...
British Library
[23 July 1928] From Lewis Hill to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on the death of Ellen Terry, mentioning his role as Jacob in play at the Guildhouse and having met Ellen Terry; headed notepaper...
British Library
[23 July 1928] From Richard Quick to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Letter of condolence on death of Ellen Terry; referring to Henry Irving collection at the museum which holds items relating to Ellen Terry; annotation...
British Library
[Undated] From Barney [Hilda Barnes] to Miss Craig [Edith Craig]. Detailed report about Ellen Terry's behaviour and asking advice from Dr Rendel about the advisability of theatre visits and asking for Ellen Terry's f...
British Library
[24 February] From Alice Comyns Carr to Edie [Edith Craig]. The Casellas have said that Edith Craig is in Leeds while Ellen Terry is at the Coleridges; wants Ellen Terry's address; mentions Theo and Sybil perfo...
British Library
[November 1908] From John Griffith to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Congratulations on her book; recalls first time he saw her act in play called Alhambra at Princess Theatre with her sister, quoting a speech; mentions...
British Library
[25 October 1902] From Clotilde Groves to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. She sends thanks for her cheque giving details of alterations to their agreement as requested, possibly about purchase of rights to plays; Sir Henry [...
British Library
[31 October 1908] From William Knight to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He praises The Story of My Life which is worthier of review in Quarterly Review than Hallam Tennyson's edition of his father's works; would like to vi...
British Library
[22 April 1908] From Eden Phillpotts to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He responds to her suggestion that he write a play for her about Garrick for a charity production; he cannot do it in time but warns that anyone attem...
British Library
[10 August 1907] From Arthur E. Reade to Miss Terry [Ellen Terry]. He resigned from the hospital on 1 July. He is happy for her to use the letters written by his Uncle Charles [Reade] and looks forward to the publicat...
British Library
[7 October 1908] From [illegible] Armande to Madam [Ellen Terry]. Correspondent has read her autobiography, saw her in her first stage appearance and writes with many memories of the old Princess's Theatre and Charle...